Jen Lade

Jen is an artist, a researcher and a senior lecturer in B.Des Games at RMIT University. Her current research interests lie in combining physical and digital media for playful and participatory explorations. I am interested in future directions of combining art and games.

Current Projects
Project Name: Parked Art: Retexturing location and mapping unstable boundaries
Through a series of playful participatory events my research investigates place in the context of contemporary art. The work is situated in Princes Park Melbourne, Australia and examines how the conventions of the mapping of this area have evolved to describe and influence the way the area has been developed and is currently used. The project will test the conventions and assumptions that underlie how territory is allocated.

Project Name:  Audio Arc
Audio Arc is an audio spatial game using mobile ringtones. Mobile phones are recontexturalised to create a game that engages participants in a corporeal experience of sound and spatial awareness. This game was developed with Jonathan Duckworth and Livia and Daniel Von Seld.

Project Name:  Grounded
Grounded is joint exhibition with Fleur Summers and Sarah Lee Edwards to be held at the Counihan Gallery in October 2013. My work investigates parkland in Brunswick that is the site of former clay pits. Historical land use that is now concealed under parkland will be brought to the surface, reflecting on the evolving of hidden boundaries.

Previous Projects
Project Name:  Light Struck
Metaphor and materials, sensing in the digital environment

Drawing on the ambiguous and elusive qualities of light that characterise the experience of working in the digital realm, this MFA project explores the integration of virtual sensory experiences and the corporeal world. The associated art project was exhibited as ‘Floodlit’ combining a poetic narrative with a series of digital images that reflect on an unknown future in the face of environmental change.